We are excited to share with you our new blog section on our website. We plan on sharing more on this page throughout the year. We have our most recent blogs to the right and categories on the left. Our main blogger will be our very own Matt Bishop:
Matt Bishop is CEO of Open City Labs, an award winning digital health company that develops software to streamline enrollment in government benefits, social services and clinical care, while unifying patient data in integrated Care Plans. Open City Labs was the first to implement in production the Gravity Project’s FHIR SDOH referral standard and is recognized as a Success Story by the Gravity Project. Open City Labs was the winner of the Administration for Community Living’s Social Care Referrals Challenge and Bonus Challenge, which tackled the need for referral interoperability across systems. He is a member of the HIMSS Social Determinants of Health Committee and HIMSS Health Equity Pre-conference active contributor to numerous ANSI accredited standards bodies, including Health Level Seven International, The Gravity Project, the co-author of the IHE International‘s 360x-SD (SDOH closed loop referral), National Directory for Healthcare Providers and numerous subcommittees within DirectTrust.
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